Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Campaign 2012 : Suck For Luck?

    With the Indianapolis Colts off to their worst start in over a decade and their franchise quarterback seemingly out for the year, fans have began to look towards the future already.  If they finish with the worst record in the NFL, they should be able to draft Stanford standout QB Andrew Luck.  He was a Heisman candidate in 2010 and is one of the most awaited quarterbacks to enter the NFL draft in quite some time.  He should be able to comfortably transition his style of play into the NFL.  Sound familiar Colts fans? 
    Many players on the Colts, including Dwight Freeney, have disregarded the notion of "tanking" and are way too competitive to give up on the season.  However, without Peyton Manning, or any legit proven starting quarterback for that matter, the Colts aren't at the level they need to be in order to be successful in this league.  I do believe that they will win multiple games, perhaps with their first win coming next week against Kansas City, but they won't be making the playoffs and the smartest move for the future is to "tank" and draft Andrew Luck.
    Currently, the Dolphins, Colts, Vikings, and Rams are all 0-4 and their seasons look grim.  Miami may be the most talented of those four teams but they are in a tough division with the Pats, Jets, and Bills.  They realistically won't be making the playoffs.  The Vikings are awful and have been looking for a franchise quarterback for years.  They may be the worst 0-4 team and also have an extremely competitive division with the 4-0 Packers and 4-0 Lions and 2-2 Bears.  The Rams are in an easier division but already drafted their hopeful franchise quarterback in Sam Bradford.  Unless they devise some sort of trade deal, they do not need Andrew Luck. 
    My gut feeling is that the Minnesota Vikings will end up with Andrew Luck as they are a bad team in a very hard division.  However, they do have the game's best running back in Adrian Peterson and he could single handedly win them some football games.  It may come down to the Colts and Vikings either finishing in last, or perhaps trading up to gain the rights to be able to draft future NFL stud Andrew Luck.  We will wait and see as Campaign 2012: Suck For Luck begins.

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