Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Party On Carson Palmer!

    Instead of getting paid millions of dollars to play football on Sundays, Carson Palmer was tailgating at the USC-Syracuse game on Saturday.  It's hard to blame Carson for not wanting to continue playing football in lovely Cincinatti.  Carson told the Bengals that if they didn't trade him this off-season he would retire.  The Bengals looked for other options and now Carson is "retired."   He should have plenty of money to relax and do whatever he wants, like crushing beers with college kids at his alma mater in sunny So-Cal. 
    I'm actually quite jealous of his life.  Get paid millions of dollars to play football, then tell your boss to go screw like Charlie Sheen did.  Now he's out of the NFL with his body still in tact and can go party at USC like he never left.  Party on Carson!

P.S. - Kind of reminds me when I ran into Brad Miller, former Houston Rocket, tailgating at the Final Four last year with two 24 oz. beers in hand.

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