Saturday, September 17, 2011

Clay Buchholz May Return

    Clay Buchholz "feels fine" after throwing his first real bullpen session in more than two and half months.  He only threw 30 pitches but he used all of his pitches and threw at about 80 percent.  Buchholz is scheduled to throw another session tomorrow and if everything goes well he may even pitch a simulated game Monday or Tuesday.  There is a chance we could see Buchholz return for the postseason which could make a huge difference for the Red Sox.  If he does return, he will most likely pitch out of the bullpen.  We'll pay close attention to Buchholz's progress and hope that he can return this year.
    It's too bad that the Red Sox have so many injuries.  This team was expected to do big things this year but has been rattled with injuries all year.  Players like Pedroia, Gonzalez, and Youkilis are playing through injuries.  Youkilis was held out of the lineup in yesterdays game to give him so time to heal.  He will need offseason surgery to repair a sports hernia. Pitchers like Buchholz, Dice-K, and long forgotten middle reliever Bobby Jenks have all missed the majority of the season.  Hopefully the Sox can band together and make a deep playoff run like we expected when we acquired Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez.  It's going to be tough though.

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