Thursday, September 22, 2011

21 Arrested and 2 Police Officers Injured Following Man U-Leeds United Soccer Game

    When Manchester United played Leeds United on Tuesday, things got real ugly.  Fans of both sides weren't chanting the usual melodic songs and cheering on their teams.  Instead they were mocking each other about death and murder.  The start of the game featured fans of Manchester United waiving a banner than read "Istanbul."  The meaning behind the banner is sickening.  Two Leeds fans were brutally stabbed to death at a match in Istanbul, Turkey in April of 2000 and the Man U fans were taunting them.  Firing back, the Leeds United fans chanted "Munich" which referenced a 1958 plane crash that was carrying the Manchester United soccer team as well as fans and coaches.
    While it may have only been a small portion of the 30,000 fans in attendance, this type of behavior is a disgrace.  It's disgusting to see people treat each other with such disrespect at a sporting event.  While we may think the Bruins-Canadiens or Yankees-Red Sox constitute a big rivalry, at least we don't stoop to these levels and taunt each other about people dying.  Imagine if Canadiens fans chanted "9/11" or "Pearl Harbor?"  Imagine what we would do.  Boston fans, and U.S. fans in general, may yell some absurd things but it never gets anywhere close to this.  Just be glad that we know where to draw the line and these Man U idiots are probably the same people who were rioting for days in London earlier in the year.  Like Ron Burgundy would say, stay classy San Diego.

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