Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Package Deal: Francona & Epstein To Chicago?

    Reports from the Chicago Tribune say that Terry Francona is a likely candidate for either the White Sox or Cubs managerial positions.  The White Sox are the only MLB team officially in need of a manager right now since Ozzie Guillen left for the Florida Marlins.  Francona has prior experience with the White Sox organization when he was a minor league manager from 1991-1995.  Francona would definitely bring a different attitude and atmosphere into the White Sox locker room compared to Ozzie Guillen.  The Red Sox are in need of that change of atmosphere as well.
    Rumors have also been swirling around Boston and Chicago regarding Theo Epstein possibly accepting a position in Chicago, not with the White Sox but with the cross-town rival Cubs.  According to ESPNBoston.com writer Gordon Edes, Epstein is "50/50" on whether he will leave Boston.  Many reporters think that if Epstein were to accept the position with the Cubs, Terry Francona would be influenced to return to the National League and manage the Cubs instead of the Sox.
    I think the Cubs opportunity makes more sense for Terry Francona.  He used to manage the Phillies in the National League and I would think he would enjoy the transition back to "real" baseball.  If Theo were to accept the Cubs position than both he and Tito could bring a winning dynamic to the long frustrated Cubs organization.  If they were able to bring a title to the Cubs, then both of them would instantly be Hall of Famers in their respective roles.  
     I, along with Dustin Pedroia and most of the Red Sox players, also would prefer Francona to manage in the National League so we wouldn't have to face him as often.  Tito will be sorely missed and most fans wish him nothing but the best moving forward.  We already got rid of Tito who wasn't the main cause for the Sox collapse.  We should get rid of Theo as well since he is more responsible for the collapse.  He has given out too many "bad" contracts to players like Lackey, Crawford,  J.D. Drew, Eric Gagne, Edgar Renteria, and many more, which has handicapped the Red Sox moving forward.  He and Francona definitely played a major role in bringing two World Series titles to Boston, maybe it is time they try and do the same for Chicago.  

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