Thursday, September 15, 2011

Broncos Fans Want Tebow Already

    That didn't take long huh?  Broncos fans already want Coach Fox to bench Kyle Orton and start Jesus lover Tim Tebow even though Tebow has looked horrible this pre-season.  Fans pled for Tebow last season as well and Tebow got the nod for the final three games of the season, scoring a touchdown in each.  Fans, including ring leader Jesse Oaks, are planning to pool their money together to build one or two billboards in downtown Denver to promote the idea of starting Tim Tebow.  Coach Fox said he didn't hear the fans chants during the Monday Night loss to Oakland pleading for Tebow to see some action.  "We believe in Coach Fox. We're just tired of Kyle Orton," Jesse Oaks told the Denver Post.  "We were sitting around after Fox said he didn't hear the chants for Tebow and we figured if he's deaf, we hope he's not blind."
    I've never been a fan of Kyle Orton and sort of feel for the Broncos fans.  They are sick of losing seasons and want to win as much as any other football city.  However, wasting your money on billboards is not the answer.  You are not going to change the coaches mind on who is best for the team.  Fans aren't there throughout the off-season workouts to witness each quarterback compete for the starting role.  According to Coach Fox and other Broncos coaches, Orton has shown he is the man for the job.  He has been the most accurate with his passes and the most experienced with their offense.  Tim Tebow isn't even the number two at this point in the coaches minds, Brady Quinn is.
    Tebow may have been a tremendous college quarterback but his style of play and his inaccurate passing doesn't bode well for him to be a starter for any NFL team.  Sorry Broncos fans but Kyle Orton is your best bet at this point, followed by Brady Quinn, then Tim Tebow.  Even Adam Weber has been kept on the practice squad and is considered to be the third string option ahead of Tebow.  Sometimes you just have wait for your young football team to develop.  John Elway is not walking through that door folks.  So go waste your hard earned money on some billboards and twelve months from now you will be wishing you spent your money more wisely.

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