Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Game Apologizes to L.A. Sheriff

    The Game's twitter account was responsible for the barrage of phone calls placed to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department over the weekend which overwhelmed dispatchers and deputies with calls.  The Game claims his friend used his phone to tweet and jokingly put a random number on his account.  That "random" number happened to be the Compton Police Station.  The previous tweet by The Game offered a music internship with the rapper and the phone number that followed prompted hundreds of his followers on Twitter to call in.  The Sheriff's Department issued a statement today stating they would not press criminal charges.
    The Game is lucky the department isn't pursuing criminal charges.  The police stated that due to the overwhelming amount of non-emergency calls, there were delays in responding to actual emergencies such as robberies, missing persons, and a spousal assault.  How can you honestly sit there and tell the cops that your friend tweeted a random number and it was coincidence that number belonged to the Compton Police Station?  The Game must have promised to cooperate with authorities in the future and snitch on some people for them.  He is a "blood" after all.  No way does the Sheriff's Department let him off the hook with that poor excuse unless he promised to help them in the future.  Let the snitching begin.

P.S. - The Game's new album R.E.D. is set for release next Tuesday, August 23.

Shout out to the Spartan TRAP Rhode Island Baseball team, this songs for you, go get that championship again.  Waddya say TRAP.

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