Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Durant Drops 66 at Rucker Park

     So this is what the NBA lockout has created.  NBA stars like Deron Williams have signed with teams overseas and now we have Kevin Durant scoring 66 points against a bunch of scrubs at Rucker Park in Harlem.  Legends like Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Dr. J, Allen Iverson, and Kobe Bryant have all played there and have helped give Rucker Park the allure of playing there.  Everyone has seen Rucker Park with the crowd storming on the court after "The Professor" throws an alley oop to "Hot Sauce" and the emcee/announcer screams "OHHH BABYYY." 
    With the NBA lockout looking worse than the NFL lockout, players have began playing in pick up games and participating  in street circuit leagues to stay in shape and stay competitive.  My question is, how do you stay NBA ready when your competition is made of up mostly of D-League players or worse?  Who cares if you score 66 against a bunch of guys trying to make it to the NBA.  Hell, I scored 42 the other day against my nieces and nephews, should have seen all the blocks I had.  Messed around got a triple-double.
   It seems imminent that the 2011 NBA season will be locked out and players will be forced to play overseas or in these street circuit leagues, at the risk of injury.  Most of the players under contract are not covered if they get injured playing outside of the NBA.  Lets just hope the NBA comes to their senses like the NFL did, and make sure they have a 2011 season.  It doesn't look too promising though.  Now I will be able to focus my undivided attention a much faster, tougher, overall better sport.  Hockey.

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