Saturday, December 29, 2012

Santa Can't Bring NHL Fans Christmas Present

Even Kris Kringle himself couldn't bring NHL fans the coolest game on earth this holiday season.  It's a shame both parties, the NHL Players Association and the owners, haven't been able to come to an agreement yet.  Who would have thought that we would end up in the same predicament we were in a few years ago? The NHL was finally becoming relevant again alongside the other major sports in America.  In recent years, Lord Stanley's Cup has belonged to major cities like Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles. This is exactly what the NHL needed and you would think they would want to build off of this and keep the positive momentum moving forward. Instead, greed, amongst other things, has kept both parties from coming to an agreement.

While our Christmas lists weren't answered by Santa Claus, there is a slight glimmer of hope for a New Year's Resolution.  Several NHL insiders, including CSN's Joe Haggerty @HackswithHaggs, have recently reported that the NHL has offered a new Collective Bargaining Agreement in hopes to have a shortened season begin in mid-January.  However, this may be another media ploy by the NHL owners to make it seem like they are the good guys and they are doing everything in their power to make a season happen.  We will see what comes from this recent proposal but we are getting down to the midnight hour. Our only hope may be to join in chorus together on New Year's Eve, Molson Canadian in hand, and sing the following:

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?

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