Monday, December 31, 2012

Romo'd is the new Munson'd

Tony Romo blew it again. What a surprise. When it matters most, when the Cowboys season is on the line and they need a win, Tony Romo has risen to the occasion only once in 14 years. 

Arguably the best regular season quarterback in Cowboy's history, Tony Romo threw three interceptions tonight. The last interception came with four minutes to go and his team down by three points, looking to make a game winning drive. With a win, the Cowboys would have hosted the first round of the playoffs next weekend.  With the loss, Jerry Jones and "America's Team" are in familiar territory and will be sitting on the couch watching the playoffs.

My question to you; is Tony Romo the biggest choker in sports history?  A lot of names come to mind for big time choke jobs (Patrick Ewing and the Knicks of the 90's, the Red Sox Billy Buckner, Buffalo Bills Jim Kelly, the 2004 Yankees) but these teams/players actually won big games to be in the spotlight to choke. Tony Romo has only won one playoff game in 14 years with the Cowboys. He has set numerous passing records but when it comes down to winning when it matters most, Tony Romo has as much experience as Mitt Romney does as President of the United States. (I usually don't mix politics with sports but with Washington beating Dallas, the Cowboys being "America's Team," and the looming fiscal cliff talks coming out of Washington, I thought it was only fitting. I won't let it happen again.)

The point here is that Tony Romo did exactly what he has done his whole career. He had a great regular season, threw for thousands of yards and touchdowns, then when the spotlight came on, he choked.

I think the only reason I am surprised that Dallas lost, again, is that I thought to myself, "Tony can't possibly choke again, can he?"  Well he did choke, again, and he did it in premier Romo fashion. The word Romo will be added just in time for the 2013 Webster Dictionary. There will be a movie shot by the Farrelly Brothers in which Woody Harrelson, playing Tony Romo, stumbles upon an Amish football player. The phrase Romo'd will be used throughout the comedy.

Poor Tony Romo.  At this point I feel bad for him but not for Cowboys fans.  Cowboys fans have been spoiled most of their lives and the majority of them aren't true diehard fans.  Poor Tony will be thinking about this loss for a long time. He has already had to think of several other choke jobs and this was his chance for redemption. Sunday Night Football after Christmas. NFC East Division Title on the line. Winner Take All. Win and host a first round playoff game next weekend. Lose and you go home with your tail between your legs.Well lose he did and his tail is getting old.

Romo will spend yet another off-season thinking how he can exact revenge while shooting a 68 alongside true winners like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods down in Myrtle Beach during Celebrity Golf Tournaments. He won't have to ask them for advice, it will come upon him automatically. Tony Romo is like the poor kid in grammar school you feel bad for because he always gets picked on and you feel the urge to give him some advice. "If you don't react to their insults Timmy and you show that you don't care, they will stop harassing you." 

If only such simple advice could help Romo.  He must wait at least a full calendar year to somewhat redeem himself and bring his team to the playoffs. If that were to happen, he must win multiple playoff games, if not the Super Bowl, and prove that he belongs alongside the names of great Cowboy quarterbacks such as Staubach and Aikman.  Romo can have the regular season numbers but in the end, winning is what matters most and that is what Tony seems to have the most trouble with.  The only chance Tony has to be in the spotlight anytime soon is if he runs back to ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson and starts a reality TV show.  Til then, Americans will add the phrase "Romo'd" to their everyday vernacular and the International Choke Symbol will be renamed to The Romo.

Add tonight's game to the umpteenth reason why I'm glad I'm not a Cowboys fan. Some memorable Romo follies are below.

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