Monday, December 26, 2011

Time To Shut Up Fat Boy

    One of the highlights from Christmas weekend, besides Jerome Simpson's Superman Flip, was the war of words between Jets Head Coach, Rex Ryan, and Giants RB Brandon Jacobs.  Rex is known for his loud mouth rants and has gotten away with it in past years because his gang of green has won, reaching the AFC Championship two seasons in a row. This year, the Jets are now 8-7 and are currently on the outside looking in.  They also lost bragging rights for the best Football team in New York City.
    After a meaningful 29-14 loss to the Giants which featured Mark "happy feet" Sanchez throwing the ball an uncanny 59 times, Rex Ryan and Brandon Jacobs exchanged verbal jabs.  After the game, Ryan told Jacobs, "Wait until we win the Superbowl."  Jacobs told reporters how he responded. " I told him I'll punch him in the face. I told him out of all the Giants players on this team you're talking to the wrong one." Reports also claim Jacobs said "Time to shut up Fat Boy" and Ryan said "Go F**k Yourself."  
    The Jets players and their head coach are known for their trash talking leading up to the game each Sunday and even Giants Coach Tom "I should be fired by now" Coughlin responded by saying "Talk is Cheap." (On a sidenote, this win may have saved the Giants postseason hopes as well as Tom Coughlin's job. With a win next week against Dallas, they will secure a playoff spot and will avoid collapsing down the stretch like previous seasons)
    Gotta love this trash talking especially when the obnoxious, overweight, trash talking Ryan gets a dose of his own medicine.  Is there anything better than calling a heavily overweight person like Rex Ryan 'Fat Boy'?  Brandon Jacobs is right. Ryan chose the wrong Giants player to exchange words with as Jacobs is 6'4" tall and 265 lbs and isn't afraid to tell it how it is. He told the Coach exactly what millions of us have wanted to say for years. Time to Shut Up Fat Boy!

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