Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We Got Locked Out

    The NBA will not be playing the first two weeks of games.  It's sad that both sides couldn't come to some sort of agreement to prevent this from happening.  Who knows if they will have to miss more time.  David Stern is single handedly destroying the NBA right now.  If this season is lost anymore than it already is he will go down as one of the worst commissioners in the history of sports.  I feel bad for the rookies who just want to play and achieve their dream of playing in the NBA.  I don't feel bad for the multi-millionaire owners who are demanding more money for the exact same product.  They should have learned from the best league we have, the NFL, and not be forced to miss any regular season games.  They should know that the public is not in the mood for this right now with the already down trodden economy.  They will be lucky if the NBA is able to recapture the audience when it does return.  In my opinion, I will not miss the NBA that much.  We will still have college hoops and the Boston Celtics may benefit if this entire season is missed.  They will have tons of money to be able to throw at a guy like Dwight Howard or Josh Smith.  It's going to be interesting to see how this pans out.

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