Friday, October 7, 2011

Thaaaaaaaaaaa Yankeeees LOSE!

    The season isn't lost after all as the Yankees fell to the Tigers last night 3-2.  The Yankees went down 2-0 early and could never get a big hit when they needed to.  They left the bases loaded a few times as guys like Gardner and Russel Martin popped out.  The Yanks story of the year, Ivan Nova, couldn't shut down the Tigers offense and was "yanked" out of the game early.  The Yankees used just about every pitcher they had, including Phil Hughes and C.C. Sabathia, to replace him.  Even with the Yankees stacked lineup and the advantage of playing at home, they couldn't produce more than two runs and left tons of runners on base.
    Like I said in my blog the other day, an Ex-Red Sox player, Victor Martinez, came up with the game winning RBI.  Call me Nostradamus because I predict the future.  Just like I predicted Marchand scoring last night but that's for another day.  Adrian Beltre hit three ding dongs to knock out the Rays, now Victor Martinez comes up with the big hit and also had a home run the other night.  Nice job Theo, way to let these guys go.  The AL Feast has been devoured as the Sox, Rays, and Yanks now all have 8 A.M. tee times.  Hey, it's supposed to be 80 this weekend, can't blame them for wanting to get a few holes in.  I bet ya J.D. Drew can't hit a ball playing golf either.

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