Monday, October 10, 2011

R.I.P. Al Davis

    The 82 year old influential football legend passed away on Saturday.  On Sunday, the Raiders went out and beat the Texans 25-20 as emotions ran high.  Not to sound evil, but his passing may be the best thing to happen to the Raiders in a very long time.  Al Davis continued to "run" the organization even though he may or may not have been all there mentally.  82 is old, and his old school way of doing things hasn't worked for the Raiders in a long time.  Tell me the last time they had a winning season?  In many people's minds he brought the team down the past decade or so and now that he is gone, younger, smarter, decision-makers can try and bring the Raiders back to relevance.  Perhaps they can start by drafting talented football players instead of drafting track stars who run four second forty yard dashes.  R.I.P. Al Davis.

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