Friday, September 23, 2011

J. Cole's Album Leaked This Week

    The biggest rapper to never put out an album has officially had his debut album leaked on the internet.  J. Cole, rapper from North Carolina, was expecting to officially release "Cole World: A Sideline Story" in stores on September 27.  He had his to say about his album leak; "There's been worse leaks than that so I understand it's apart of the game--I always understood that.  As long as people hear it together--it's cool.  I just know that people who are going to buy it were going to buy it anyways and the people weren't--probably weren't anyways."
    It's sad to see his debut album get leaked on the internet but just about every big artist has his CD leak on  before it hits stores.  It's basically a right of passage to let you know that you are a major, high-profile rapper. Eminem's CD's always leak early and he and Royce 5'9" even wrote a song "Take From Me" about stealing music.  A few weeks ago, Lil Wayne's "Carter IV," leaked on the internet a week early and it still broke the iTunes sales record.  I still plan on buying a copy of J. Cole's album just to support him because he deserves it.  The man has put out so much free material out the past few years and the least I can do is spend ten bucks on something he put his heart and soul into.  The guy came to Rhode Island College a few years ago and students only had to pay a dollar for christ sakes.  Forget about him being the next big thing.  He already is.  He has his own solo tour and will be in Worcester on Friday 10/22 and at Lupos in Providence, Saturday 10/23.  Go buy his album September 27 and check him out on tour when he comes around.

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