Thursday, September 29, 2011

Delonte West Now Working At Furniture Store

    With the NBA lockout in progress, players are forced to find other means of income.  A lot of players are playing in pick-up leagues around the U.S. and some are even traveling overseas to play.  Not Delonte West though.  He has decided to supplement his income by working in the stock room at Regency Furniture.
    Pictured above is his actual job application with his name and everything.  The funniest part about his job application is the section where it asks you, "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?"  He checked "yes."   Where it says, "If yes please explain in full," Delonte wrote the simple one word answer, "misunderstanding."
    If you've never heard about Delonte West's infamous arrest in 2009 then you need to click here.  He was riding his motorcycle with three guns on him,  one being a shotgun that was hidden inside a guitar case strapped to his back.  Real crazy stuff, not just some "misunderstanding."  It reminds me of Antonio Banderas in El Mariachi, Desperados, or Once Upon A Time in Mexico (pictured below.)  I can picture Delonte West's job interview like Loc Dog's in the Wayan's Bros. classic comedy, "Don't Be a Menace To Society While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood."  Hilarious.

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