Monday, September 26, 2011

Beware of Choking!

    Rays and Sox are tied with two games to go.  Hellickson and Price for the Rays vs "the playoff bound" Yankees. Bedard and Lester vs the "we finally have something to play for" Orioles.  It's going to be really interesting considering the Yankees have already clinched the division and are resting their players.  They aren't going to have C.C. or Nova pitch, more likely to start is Bartolo Colon and some relievers. The Sox will have to pitch Lester on Wednesday which means if they end up tied for first place with the Rays, he won't be available for a one-game playoff.  The Rays definitely have the upper hand in pitching.
    Who would think at the beginning of the year that the Baltimore Orioles would have a chance to knock us out of the playoffs with two games to go.  This would most likely make Buck Showalter the happiest guy on the planet if they do so.  He called out the Red Sox at the beginning of the year and it's looking like he was right all along.  You can't just throw money at a bunch of baseball players and expect unrealistic results.  We have gone from the "greatest team ever" to the "greatest baseball collapse ever."  Hopefully we do sneak into the playoffs just to avoid making history.
    For some reason, I still haven't written this team off even though they consistently show me that they don't belong in the playoffs.  We can't win when Lester or Beckett pitches and our lineup is a shell of itself, so why should I even watch them play?  You never know what will happen in sports, that's what allures fans.  We all know the history the Red Sox made by coming back against the Yankees down 0-3.  Let's rally the troops, cowboy up, and do whatever is necessary to make the playoffs.  Take shots of jack, shower in the stuff, I don't give a damn.  Maybe get some tequila for Gonzalez cuz he looks like he needs something to loosen him up.  Where has he been the past month or so?  Guys up with two men on in the bottom on the ninth and flies out?  When's the last time he has produced in the clutch?  Carl Crawford's up and hits his patented dribbler down the first base line.  What a waste of money Crawford is.  He's hitting .254 with 11 home runs and 56 RBI.  Are you kiddin' me?  Bring back Trot Nixon for that type of production.  Hell at least his helmet was dirty and he looked like he gave a damn.
    We can spend all day ripping apart this years Red Sox team and front office management.  It isn't going to get us anywhere.  The reality is we are tied with the Rays and have two games left in our season.  Guys like Crawford and Drew could help erase our memories of their shit show of a season by coming up with a few clutch hits in the next two games.  So let's go boys,  two days, two games.  Time to put the women and children to bed and show what you're made of.  Cowboy the F&#* Up!

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