Tuesday, August 9, 2011

London Riots Postpone Soccer Match

    Wednesday's friendly match between England and Netherlands was called off due to the riots and looting  taking place in London over the past few days.  The match would have provided an additional 80,000 people for the cops to control.  Officials called off the match with everyone's safety in mind.  Over 170 people have been arrested so far as rioters have destroyed stores, buildings, and cars.  Over 30 police officers have been hospitalized for a variety of injuries.
    Crowds of people are rioting in response to an August 4th fatal police shooting of a suspected drug dealer Mark Duggan.  He sent a final message to his girlfriend via BBM saying "the feds are following me." Today people have hacked into the Blackberry website and are using it to communicate with each other to organize meeting places and stay one step ahead of the police.  Twitter has also been used because it cannot be traced.  Who knew social media could play such an intricate role in organized crime.  The real story here is figuring out who will become the celebrities of these riots like the infamous couple in Vancouver, pictured below.


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